Lentil benefits and disadvantages

types of lentils

lentils are a part of vegetarian diet obtained from legumes that are used popularly to provide protein in a vegetarian diet. Lentils are not only a protein source but also a nutritious source of vitamins, minerals, fibre and digestible amino acids. They are more commonly used in Indian as a staple food, used in almost every day eating. 

Lentils are in fact the only source of plant-based proteins that are easily digestible and are also well absorbed by the body, that helps resolve digestive issues and also other gut health problems. Lentils are an underdog in the world of other protein sources that are either animal based or are hard to digest.

Nowadays, more and more people are becoming vegan or vegetarian due to various health and environmental reasons that makes them wonder about various protein options in a vegan vegetarian diet that can be healthy, tasty yet easily digestible. This requirement by the newly turned vegan population calls for lentil popularity in the space where more people are exploring the taste and health benefits of lentils and their variety. 

Lentils come in various different types and variety from black gram, chana dal, Bengal gram, green lentil, red lentils, beluga lentils, puy lentils, yellow lentil and brown lentils are a few of lentil variety that are now being widely used across the globe, exclusively by the people who are vegan or vegetarian. 

Benefits of eating Lentils, 

Lentils contains a variety of nutrients in it that is great when consumed together with other cereal sources such as rice. Along with that, it also provides 18 grams of protein in 1 cup in a cooked formed and also provide good amounts of Lysine amino acids. Lentils are not only health but also provide good amounts of dietary fibre with 11 grams per cup in cooked form, that helps us provide nutrition to our gut bacteria and also improves immunity and digestive health. 

benefits of lentils

1. Plant protein: Lentils are very known as the popular source of protein especially in vegan diet and a widely used option in a vegetarian diet. Although 30gms of lentil would provide a minimum of 4-5 grams of protein but it's still considered to be a greater plant-source other than soy and soy products and an option in vegetarian diets along with dairy products as well. Lentils are easily available yet super easy to make, it requires less time to cook than other protein options and also easy to digest when cooked properly. 

2. Nutrient rich: As we discussed earlier, lentils are just a part of vegetarian protein source but is also much more than that. lentils and other legumes provide good quality vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are exclusive to lentils only. While when consumed with rice lentil and rice together provide lysine and methionine that provides a complete protein to our body. 

3. Fibre-rich: lentils as part of legumes are high in fibre, that enables us to have a better digestion and also help get rid of any allergens and try to reduce the acid levels produced in the body when lentil is consumed. Although fibre can sometimes cause heartburn and gas problems but all in all its pretty helpful in providing overall digestibility and relieve constipation. 

4. Help lose weight: lentils are packed with nutrient, vitamins and minerals that enable us to have a better digestibility and nutrition absorption, that helps our body to maintain its weight. People to tend to lose weight most of the time switch their non-vegetarian diets into a vegetarian diet to ensure less intake of saturated fats and good intake of more fibre, plant protein and other essential nutrients that speed up the weight loss process.

5. Heart and liver health: Now being plant based it puts less pressure on the heart for its nutrient circulation and also less burden on liver to produce more hormones to digest these properly. When it comes to heart health, a diet rich in plant-based sources and incorporation of fibre and vitamins enhance the working mechanism of our immune system. 

Disadvantages of eating Lentils,

Along with having various benefits lentils do have a bunch of disadvantages that altogether only focus upon directivity and acidity. As we all know that insoluble fibre are the most difficult types of fibre to be digest by the body and requires a strong digestive system to speed up its metabolism process. And so, all the given disadvantages are a written around a single fibre indigestion problem that sometimes causes acidity and sometimes diarrhoea. 

disadvantages of lentils

1. Acidity and bloating: Lentils being a legume part often has insoluble dietary fibre in them that can sometimes cause problems like acidity and bloating. As mentioned earlier, the very presence of dietary fibre that to insoluble dietary fibre often takes time to reach the gut or intestine and provide nutrition to the gut bacteria. And so, before reaching to the gut bacteria it oftens expands in size inside the stomach and induce the feeling of uneasiness and bloating that can last for some time.

2. Insufficient protein: Being a plant-based protein lentil often is not considered as the best option for a protein source. Although it is indeed eaten in vegan diets as a part of protein supplementation, but it definitely isn't the best to fulfil a high protein requirement when in need. When in most need other option like nuts and oilseeds are considered more apt to go for as lentils only provide 18 grams of protein in one cooked cup, which isn't enough.

3. Diarrhoea: Lentils being more on dietary fibre and a bit on protein can be hard to digest for people who have a weak digestive system. The high amounts of fibre, protein and amino acids make it difficult for a weak body to produce all the required digestive enzymes altogether and so it does take time to digest and may often result in indirectivity and diarrhoea.


This blog presents as to what are lentils, their types and variety and also how beneficial their consumption can be as well as the disadvantages of their consumption too. 


Q. Does lentils have fibre? 
A- lentils as part of legumes are high in fibre, that enables us to have a better digestion and also help get rid of any allergens and try to reduce the acid levels produced in the body when lentil is consumed. Although fibre can sometimes cause heartburn and gas problems but all in all its pretty helpful in providing overall digestibility and relieve constipation. 
Dt. Kanika Bhatt

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