Advantages and disadvantages of eating eggs daily


Eggs are considered to be the nutritious food product that are highly nutritious and healthy. They are not only healthy in terms of nutritional value, but they also provide warmth and fullness during winters, and provides sustained energy during summers. 

Eggs are most commonly eaten for their protein content that are said to have the highest bioavailability amongst all other animal and plant protein sources. They not only are high in protein but also provide a good amount of fats and amino acids to the body.

As we all know that eggs are composed of the inner yolk which has all the healthy fats, Vitamin A and K content whereas, the outer layer namely egg whites are more in protein called Albumin as well as in vitamin C, and other minerals. All these factors increase the intake of eggs and promote its health benefits. But even though eggs are healthy and rich in protein, they still are not ideal to be eaten more than 2 in quantity every day. 

Advantages of consuming eggs daily

Although there is a limitation of their daily intake, but when consumed in a set quantity egg can do wonders for our body and overall health by providing it with all essential nutrients and amino acids that help build muscle and sustain energy in the body. Similarly, there are more advantages that are provided by the daily intake of eggs in our body that are mentioned down below, 

Advantages of consuming eggs daily

Complete Protein: Eggs having the highest bioavailability amongst all types of protein, simply implies the fact that, it is the best kind of protein that gets easily absorbed by the body and provides the maximum amount of protein after absorption. Eggs are a set of great protein source for non-vegetarians as well as for ovo-vegetarians that do eat eggs occasionally. 

Rich in Nutrients: They are known to have a bunch of other nutrients in them that are essential for vitality and maintenance of our body. These nutrients include Vitamin A, C and K and minerals like Potassium, zinc, calcium, albumin protein, magnesium and sodium in them help maintain blood pressure as well as blood sugar levels.  

Heart Health: Contrary to its high level of fat present in yolk, if eaten without the yolk part with only egg whites in a diet, eggs are said to be super healthy and beneficial for our heart health by providing essential amino acids, healthy fats and minerals to clear out excess fat depositions and regulate blood flow properly. 

Choline for Brain Health: Eggs are known to have a good amount of choline in them that plays a crucial part in brain development and are essential for the proper functioning of neurotransmitters. Choline especially plays a crucial role in developing that brain of a foetus during pregnancy and help with further cognitive development of the child as well. 

Eye care: With having good amounts of protein, and aft soluble vitamins like vitamin A that are vital in the maintenance of eyesight and eye care. These vitamins provide abundance of antioxidants that help with eye support and protection whereas, amino acids like lutein and zeaxanthin help with proper functioning of our eye and protect from vision impairment. 

Manages weight: Being a proper protein source with albumin and healthy fats in them, eggs are known to maximise the use of protein the body to build muscles while help reduce and eliminate excess fat from the body to maintain a healthy body weight with good muscle mass in the body. 

Disadvantages of consuming eggs daily

Though eggs are considered super healthy and nutritious for our health but the quantity of anything that is healthy highly depends upon the quantity we consume the healthy food at. The same condition applies on eggs, as the yolk contains a high amount of fats in them, they can certainly cause some health troubles when consumed again and again or too much all at once. 

disadvantages of consuming eggs daily

1. Daily Egg Quota: It is really important to keep a track on the amount of food we eat in day, even when we are eating healthy. The same goes for eggs as well, that are healthy when consumed in moderation but needs a supervision on the yolk part. The consumption of yolk is recommended to be eaten only one per day. And so, when this number is increased it gets a bit alarming for our overall health. 

2. Indigestion: When consumed in large quantities eggs are known to cause various digestive issues in our body. Especially, with people who consume more egg whites for protein often face this problem as their body is not capable of metabolising the amount of protein consumed and hence, results in the indigestion of food in the body. 

3. Cholesterol Check: Eggs especially egg yolks are high in fats that too saturated fats that are heavier for our body to digest as well as impact the functioning of our heart and liver. Excess fat intake creates a load on the liver organ to produce more digestive enzymes and overwork the body. While the undigested fat particles start getting deposited in the blood vessels causing obstruction. 

4. Individual Health Considerations: Being high on protein and fat sources, eggs are not meant for the consumption of all age groups that are not strong enough to handle the intensity and effect of egg protein fats on our system, causing digestion issues, heart problems, cholesterol issues and weight problems. 

5. Balancing Nutrient Intake: Eggs have a disbalanced nutritional profile with high quantity of saturated fats, protein, choline and other vitamins and minerals that are crucial for health maintenance. But there is a need to balance out the intake of all these nutritional profiles in order to get the maximum outcome from it. 

6. Mindful Enjoyment: Eggs are indeed healthy and tasty that sometimes becomes addictive. But keeping the calories in mind and also the disadvantages of eating it too much, eggs can disbalance the entire digestive system and metabolic cycle. Not forgetting the aftereffects of consuming too many eggs, causing difficulty with respiratory issues, gut health, heart and liver health as well.


This blog talks about the daily consumption of eggs and what are the advantages and disadvantages of eating eggs daily. 


Q.  Do eggs contain cholesterol?
A- Eggs especially egg yolks are high in fats that too saturated fats that are heavier for our body to digest as well as impact the functioning of our heart and liver. Excess fat intake creates a load on the liver organ to produce more digestive enzymes and overwork the body. While the undigested fat particles start getting deposited in the blood vessels causing obstruction. 

Dt. Kanika Bhatt

This website advocates solely for Nutritional guidelines, Healthy lifestyles and Proper Dietary habits. This Blog website is dedicated to those who find it difficult to stick to a meal plan and will guide you to have balanced meals with greater nutritive value. With Nutrition being an important aspect in today's time, people tend to neglect a lot when it comes to healthy and timely eating. Focusing more towards nutrition and finding alternatives to eating healthy, yet tasty meals is what we hope to do in this blog.

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