What are the best flavour mushrooms?

What are mushrooms?

Mushrooms are considered as the most nutritious organic produce that is not a vegetable or fruit but still fulfils our nutritional requirements as well as provide excellent flavours and texture used in a variety of different cuisines and dishes, mushrooms are one of their kinds to so popular among all vegans, vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Shiitake mushrooms

Unlike any other food sources, mushrooms come from a fungi or fugus that grows by itself into the jungles and develop their flavour and texture. These mushrooms are a byproduct of mycelium fungi that spreads its thread like structure self as vast network in the ground to decompose various matter and grow into this tiny little shape of mushroom. 

They are the natural form of decomposers that are essential for the decomposition of the biodegradable waste and help maintain a healthy environment and ecosystem while simultaneously restoring the lost nutrients of the soil and also forming this outer body of the fungus, commonly known as mushrooms. 

Although mushrooms come in a variety of shapes and flavours and are largely popular in the Asian countries, their variety completely depends upon the type of fungus producing it and the kind of decomposed produce that help shape the newly budded mushroom and also give them a distinctive flavour. 

The best flavour Mushrooms,

Shiitake Mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms

Shiitake mushrooms are the most commonly used mushroom in the south Asian part of the world where they are cherished for their unique yet flavourful characteristics. Shiitake mushrooms are a native produce of Japan, where it is found in the wild jungles in different varieties and sizes. Being nutritious and flavourful allows them to be used in multiple cuisines and dishes where it adds its unique flavour and enhance the taste. 

Mushrooms are generally consumed for their health benefitting properties and rich taste that gets even better with its nutritional profile. Shiitake mushrooms provide a total of 40 grams calories with 2 grams of protein, 9 grams of carbohydrates and 0,5 grams of fat that makes it a great food option for older aged people. 

Shiitake mushroom has a distinct umami flavour that provides a great satiety value to our palate and savoury richness that makes it the most popular type of mushroom in the world. Also, they are said to have antioxidants, anti-cancerous properties and enhance immune system functions. 

Portobello Mushrooms

Portobello mushroom

Talking about popular mushrooms, Portobello mushrooms are one the most popular mushroom varieties in the world which is popular for its meat-based delicacies and culinary versatility and provides a warm yet flavourful richness to the dish. They are originated from the European and North American forests where they were a type of button mushrooms that were allowed to mature in order to produce a rich savoury flavour to be used with meat-based dishes. 

Their popularity is also due to its nutritional richness and nutrient composition that allows approximately, 22 grams of calories with 3 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbohydrate and 0,3 grams of fat in them while making them a keen preserver of vitamins and minerals as well. They most definitely provide a wide range of vitamins like Vitamin b complex including thiamine, niacin and pantothenic acid.

Known for their culinary excellence, they are used mostly as a flavour enhancer by marinating and absorbing them in various sauces and gravies to bring out the maximum flavour in the dish. Flavour absorption makes them a substitute for meat in texture that is better enjoyed by the vegetarians and vegans. 

Oyster Mushrooms

Portobello mushroom

Oyster mushrooms are visually the most beautiful type of mushrooms that are light brown in colour and possess a light or mild flavour to themselves. They are beautifully distinguished by the curled-up layers present in them, indicating the oyster shape and helps them absorb the flavour a bit better. 

Their nutrient richness is of great potential as they commonly are used as great substitute for plant-based protein sources. They provide 33 grams of calories with 4 grams of protein, 7 grams of carbohydrate and 0.5 grams of fat in them, making it ideal to be used in a vegetarian dish and gravies to absorb more flavour and taste delicious. 

Due to their unmatched absorption power, they are often used in gravies, sauces, marinates and even consumed by tossing in a dressing, sauteed, roasted or added in soups. They also contain a good amount of minerals and antioxidants that balance electrolyte levels in the body. 

Enoki Mushrooms

Enoki mushroom

Enoki mushrooms are the most unique types of mushrooms that are creamy white in colour and are mildly flavoured with long thin stems and a small cap on the top. They were originally wild mushrooms found in the forests that were then further cultivated to evolve into these beautiful white coloured enoki mushrooms. 

Considered healthy and nutritious these enoki mushrooms are not one bit less in their nutritional profile. They provide a total of 37 grams of calories, 3 grams of protein, 5 grams of carbohydrates and 0.3 grams of fat in them that are certainly good from a wild mushroom's perspective. 

They are packed with nutrients like vitamins and minerals that contain antioxidants, niacin, anthocyanins etc that help support overall health and immunity. Because of their low calorie value, they are also popularly consumed as it by stir frying, sautéing and adding them in soups and gravies for more flavour. 

Morel Mushrooms

Morel mushroom

Morel is another unique type of mushroom that is fund in the dark forests of North American and Asian countries. They are known to have a honeycomb structure that is prepared by the fungi called Morchella that provides the morel mushroom its unique earthy and nutty flavour. 

Now considering its nutritional profile it may be quite similar to shiitake mushrooms as it does provide a decent nutritional value. They include a total of 31 calories with 3 grams of protein, 11 grams of fibre and 0.6 grams of fat in them. 

Given with its complex earthy and nutty flavour, morel mushrooms are often included in the preparation of a wide variety of sauces, and promote their rich flavour by sauteing, smoking and roasting them some vegetables and meat. 


This blog explains the various types of flavourful mushrooms along with their nutritional value origin and culinary usage in a variety of dishes. 


Q. What are enoki mushrooms?
Enoki mushrooms are the most unique types of mushrooms that are creamy white in colour and are mildly flavoured with long thin stems and a small cap on the top. They were originally wild mushrooms found in the forests that were then further cultivated to evolve into these beautiful white coloured enoki mushrooms. 
Dt. Kanika Bhatt

This website advocates solely for Nutritional guidelines, Healthy lifestyles and Proper Dietary habits. This Blog website is dedicated to those who find it difficult to stick to a meal plan and will guide you to have balanced meals with greater nutritive value. With Nutrition being an important aspect in today's time, people tend to neglect a lot when it comes to healthy and timely eating. Focusing more towards nutrition and finding alternatives to eating healthy, yet tasty meals is what we hope to do in this blog.

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