Green banana: nutritional value, health benefits

Green bananas are the raw, unripe, immature bananas that are not fully grown and are green in colour. they are known to be healthy, fibre-rich, nutritious and easy to digest. Unlike normal soft bananas, they are popular for their unique coarse texture, starchy taste that makes a different yet healthier choice then the ripe banana. 

what are green bananas

As nutritious as it may seem, green banana does possess all the nutritious components a ripe banana has but they also are slightly different in taste, texture and size. They are also an excellent source of insoluble dietary fibre that does not get metabolised by our body and at act as a nutritious fuel for the gut microbiome and improve gut health. 

Being popular for their raw form, these bananas are easy to eat as it is, but they can also be used in various different forms that are easier to make different dishes. Green bananas can be consumed as a fruit but further it can also be converted into a flour, chips, stews and curry form that adds up to the versatility of green bananas. they are highly nutritious with being a good source of potassium, dietary fibre, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. 

Nutritional Content of Green Banana 

Green bananas are highly nutritious and provide enough calories too sustain energy. Given below is a nutritional profile of green banana, 

Nutritional value of green banana

1. Calories: Green bananas are great at providing energy with the least amount of calories that helps them maintain their low-calorie diet. A total of 89 kcal are provided per 100 grams of green banana. 

2. Carbohydrates: Being a rich source of dietary fibre, energy and resistance starch that provide a good amount of carbohydrates in the body. A total of 22.8 grams of carbs are provided by the green banana per 100 grams. 

3. Protein: Green bananas are fairly not the great source of protein and provide a decent amount of protein in the body. A total of 1.3 grams of protein are provided by the green banana per 100 grams. 

4. Fats: One healthy factor that green bananas have s that they are less in fats and provide low fat content in body helping in weight management. A total of 0.3 grams of fats are provided by the green banana per 100 grams. 

5. Vitamins and Minerals: green bananas are said to be a great source of vitamins like vitamin b and vitamin c as well as minerals like potassium, magnesium and sodium. These vitamins help in the maintenance of immunity and gut health. 

The Health Benefits of Green Bananas,

Green bananas are sometimes disregarded in favour of their yellow, ripe cousins. Nonetheless, a lot of people are unaware of how beneficial green bananas are to your health. 

The Health Benefits of Green Bananas

1. Gut health: one of the most common factors that makes green bananas a healthy choice is the presence of insoluble dietary fibres that are not digestible by the body and provide essential nutrients to the gut bacteria and increase their functionality. These fibres travel from the stomach to the colon part of the intestine where it helps feed the gut bacteria to speed up the digestion process and improve our gut health. 

2. Regulate blood Sugar: Green bananas are also a great option for those who suffer from diabetes and help them manage their blood sugar level. Packed with nutrients, fibre and also essential vitamin and nutrients, green bananas come off as an excellent option with a low glycaemic index food that is a healthy option for diabetic people. And so, diabetic people could surely include green bananas in their diet and gain all the essential nutrients present in them and also still maintain the overall blood sugar level. 

3. Manage weight: Green banana when consumed in moderate quantities, also help with improving the weight of our body. With provide a good satiety value and fulness to the body green bananas help with the betterment of our gut health that would boost metabolism and also help in weight loss. Providing satiety satisfaction, they reduce the evening cravings and also provide energy to work out and exercise that would also promotes weight loss in the body. 

4. Better Digestion: packed with dietary fibre and essential nutrients, green bananas are also a great option for digestive purpose. Normal bananas are anyway a better digestive food item, and green bananas too possess the same or even more dietary fibre that help boost the digestion process in our body. 

5. Improve immunity: immunity plays a major role in protecting our body and also fighting back infections that attack our body. Green bananas provide a good amount of vitamins and minerals like vitamin b complex, vitamin c and other antioxidants that help boost the immune systema and also maintaining the gut and digestive health that leads to a better working immunity. 


Go beyond simply waiting for them to ripen the next time you come across some green bananas. You never know what possibilities are ahead. If you use green banana flour in baking or include these unripe fruits into savoury dishes, they offer a wide variety of tastes and nutritional advantages.


Q. What is a green banana?
A- Green bananas are the raw, unripe, immature bananas that are not fully grown and are green in colour. they are known to be healthy, fibre-rich, nutritious and easy to digest. Unlike normal soft bananas, they are popular for their unique coarse texture, starchy taste that makes a different yet healthier choice then the ripe banana. 
Dt. Kanika Bhatt

This website advocates solely for Nutritional guidelines, Healthy lifestyles and Proper Dietary habits. This Blog website is dedicated to those who find it difficult to stick to a meal plan and will guide you to have balanced meals with greater nutritive value. With Nutrition being an important aspect in today's time, people tend to neglect a lot when it comes to healthy and timely eating. Focusing more towards nutrition and finding alternatives to eating healthy, yet tasty meals is what we hope to do in this blog.

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