This is How Peanuts help with losing belly fat

What are Peanuts?

What is Peanut?

Peanuts are globally recognised legumes which are enjoyed as a nut in various occasions in the world. They are part of a legume family that are obtained from the pods of a leguminous plant that holds the peanuts inside. They are highly anticipated during winters and are enjoyed slightly roasted or even in the form of a protein bar. 

Known to be packed with rich flavours and nutty taste, peanuts are a great source of unsaturated healthy fats and protein that contribute a lot more nutrition in a vegetarian/vegan diet when incorporated with other suitable ingredients. 

Although they are enjoyed as a snack and not included too much in a major meal, peanuts are still versatile enough to be used in different forms and snack ideas to be eaten either salted or in a sweet energy bar. Being high in calories, they provide a great instant energy kick in the body that sustains for a longer time. 

Also, they provide with a decent amount of nutritional value with, 567 calories, 16 grams of carbohydrates, 27 grams of protein and 45 grams of fats in every 100 grams of serving.     Which ensures that a handful of peanuts may provide 8-9 grams of protein, that is great for people who are vegetarian/vegan and promotes warmth during winters

How much peanut should we consume to reduce belly fats? 

How much peanut should we consume to reduce belly fats?

Peanuts being the rich and healthy supply of monounsaturated fatty acids and protein are also quite tasty and addictive that may lead to an excess consumption of these when munching. But we need to keep in mind that any food source that is healthy or unhealthy can be dangerous for our health when consumed in greater amounts than normal or what is recommended. 

Having said that, eating peanuts from 28-35 grams a day is considered healthy for individuals that are sedentary workers and do not engross themselves in any heavy workout activity. As being high on calories and fats, you should always be careful of watching your peanut intake in a day and should only eat it as a snack or bar in limited quantities.   

This is How Peanuts help with losing belly fat,

Being a tasty snack option that is now available in different variants and forms only make peanuts more delicious and tastier that also has its own adverse effects. People have often heard about gaining weight from excess consumption of peanuts and an increased cholesterol level as well. 

This is How Peanuts help with losing belly fat,

This is way too common than we think but what we don't understand is the fact that peanuts are a great source of protein and healthy fats, that is a great combination to reduce excessive fat deposits and maintain a healthy body weight.

1. Great protein source: As it is no surprise that a lot of people are turning vegetarian or vegan for various healthy purposes as well as to follow the trend, but they often start getting protein deficit and also lose a lot of nutrients and gain weight. This can be majorly tackled only by fulfilling the requirements of our daily protein needs in addition to maintaining the healthy HDL (good fats) levels to maintain a healthy body weight with no nutrient deficiency. That's when peanuts come in as great helpers, as they are not only a great plant-protein source but are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that help with removal of excess fats and toxins and reduce belly fat. 

2. Eliminate cravings: As we all experience all sorts of craving every now and then especially in the evening, where we some time may want a salty snack or sometimes a sweet crunchy snack to munch on. Peanuts being a highly versatile food ingredients blend pretty nicely with both the worlds. Salty toasted peanuts come off as a great snack that only help reduce unnecessary cravings but also replenish the body with its required nutrients and help reduce belly fat. Similarly, having jaggery coated peanut bar, help purify the blood and remove toxins, along with keeping a check on our fat absorption and reduce any depositions of unabsorbed fat chunks. 

3. Healthy fats: Cholesterol has been growing rapidly in the past 7-8 years, that has been greatly affected by the unhealthy eating habits of our society. Children are getting used to an unhealthy rating pattern that causes to grow in the form of cholesterol in the body. These habits need to be changed by substituting various unhealthy practices by healthy alternatives and introduction to healthy options that can help with sustained energy, nutrient fulfilment and weight managements. Peanuts are one such examples that have high amounts of unsaturated fats in them that increase good fats in the body and reduced stored fats from various parts of the body like belly. 

4. Calm excess hunger: Sometimes feeling more hungry can be a sign of low energy levels or less nutrient-dense food choices. With the dietary pattern of processed and packages foods that are calories dense and provide instant energy that vanishes within a few minutes, provide only trans- fat addition in the body that leads to excess hunger. And so, keeping things like peanuts and other fruit and nuts as your ultimate snacking partners would help you feel energised for a longer time and will also provide fibre to reduce excess belly fat and maintain a healthy body weight. 

5. Increase metabolism: Many people experience weight gain due to slow metabolism, where the digestion and absorption of various food items does not happen correctly that leads to malabsorption of nutrients and increased fats in the body. These problems can be tackled by incorporating more plant-protein like peanuts in the diet that can help release more digestive enzymes especially for fat absorption so that they improve and fasten our metabolism and also help in a better absorption of nutrients with helping to eliminates excessive fat deposits in the belly and other body parts. 


This blog helps in projecting all the major steps as to how peanuts help with losing belly fat along with mentioning its nutritional value and the way to eat it. 


Q. How much peanuts should I eat in day?
A- eating peanuts from 28-35 grams a day is considered healthy for individuals that are sedentary workers and do not engross themselves in any heavy workout activity. As being high on calories and fats, you should always be careful of watching your peanut intake in a day and should only eat it as a snack or bar in limited quantities.  
Dt. Kanika Bhatt

This website advocates solely for Nutritional guidelines, Healthy lifestyles and Proper Dietary habits. This Blog website is dedicated to those who find it difficult to stick to a meal plan and will guide you to have balanced meals with greater nutritive value. With Nutrition being an important aspect in today's time, people tend to neglect a lot when it comes to healthy and timely eating. Focusing more towards nutrition and finding alternatives to eating healthy, yet tasty meals is what we hope to do in this blog.

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