Types of green detox drinks for better metabolism at home

Detox drinks re a great example of infusing antioxidants in your that help get rid of any type of toxin production in the body and help improve the quality of life by making improvements in the way we metabolism and absorb our nutrients in the body. Also, drinks like these ensure proper hydration in the body with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals that gets replenished in the body as well. 

what ae detox drinks

Detox drinks are generally prepared with the addition of seasonal produce that can be fruits, vegetables, herbs, greens and spices that help cleanse the body which in turn improves digestion, enhance metabolism, help remove the production of excess toxins in the body and also maintain a good level of antioxidants. 

Drinking these homemade detox drinks especially in the morning really helps with boosting our energy levels and retrieving all those lost minerals, vitamins and electrolytes from the body. Detox drink made with fresh ingredients are rich in fibre, carbohydrate, vitamins like vitamin c, vitamin a and b complex, minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium and zinc and also calcium that help strengthen our immunity and help in proper bowel movements. 

For strengthening the immune system, there is a special addition of lemon, ginger, mint leaves, cucumber and basil the provide appropriate quantities of vitamin c and iron that help improve our gut health, fibre from the green leafy vegetables provide insoluble fibre to provide nutrition to the gut bacteria ensuring a healthy immune system of our body. 

How does Green Detox Drinks help boost your Metabolisms?

Rich in multivitamins and minerals, green detox drinks have a nutritious yet flavourful aspect to them that make them popular for helping in improving the digestive system, gut health, metabolism and also in losing weight:

How does Green Detox Drinks help boost your Metabolisms?

1. Supports Hydration: Green detox drinks are a best source of hydration for the body especially during summers where our body tend to lose a lot of its hydration in the form of sweat and urine. Green detox drinks replenish the lost moisture content of the body along with restoring all the lost nutrients as well.  

2. Aids Digestion: People often face digestive issues where they might experience bloating, acidity and indigestion. These detox drinks contain mint, ginger and green vegetables that naturally contain dietary fibre and antioxidants that help relieve from all kinds of digestive issues and help our body maintain a healthy gut health and metabolism. 

3. Boosts Energy Levels: This goes without saying that detox drinks prepared with a bunch of high fibre nutritious ingredients like fruits, vegetables, berries and other commodities are packed with nutrition and provide a good source of energy in the morning when takes on an empty stomach. 

4. Promotes Detoxification: These drinks are termed as a detoxifying drink only because of the use of ingredients that are all fibre and vitamin rich, that provide a good amount of antioxidant to our body. These antioxidants not only boost immunity and improve our digestive system, but they also remove the presence of free radicles in the body that degrade the quality of our life and accelerate the ageing process by depleting our body from the inside and cause disturbance in the form of toxins. 

Types of green detox drinks for better metabolism at home

Green detox drinks are an excellent source of nutrients for the body, are easy to make, do not cause bloating and are also gut friendly, that makes it even better to consume first thing in the morning. Although there are hundreds of ways to customize your green detox juice at home, but these are a few ideas for you to give it a try and enjoy its goodness:

Green Juice

Green juice detox drink for better digestion

Green juice is the most basic type of detox drink that is purely made from celery and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in it. Although it's pretty basic and consists of a single ingredient but still does not compromise on the nutritional side of it. Celery or green juice is a great example of detox drink as it provides a bunch of vitamins and minerals in each glass and are also fibre-rich that help them nourish our gut bacteria for a better metabolism. They work extremely well in the morning after a good workout and also help sustain your energy levels throughout the day. 

Green Smoothie

Green smoothie detox drink for better digestion

During summers having a drink that has some aspects of protein in them is a must as our body is able to digest more protein in the summers, that too in a better way. Green smoothie is one of those detox options that can be extremely tasty with a detox touch to it. Loaded with a bunch of ingredients, green smoothies are made from Greek yogurt that are known for their digestive protein content and also have a probiotic touch to it that help boost our metabolism. They are also customizable with the addition of sessional fruits and berries that elevate the fibre and vitamin levels in the drink and also enhancing its flavour. 

Green Detox Water

Green detox water for better digestion

Green detox water is an infused concentrated water which is prepared with the help of mint and green leafy vegetables. These water extracts are basically free from any type of fibre and particle present in it and area also a great supply of nutrients like electrolytes and minerals to the body. These green water drinks are made by soaking greens like kale with mint in the water overnight and then blended and strained for consumption. This water is high in antioxidants and iron and magnesium that help with bone density, blood flow and maintaining a healthy immune system. 

Green Tea

Green tea detox drink for better digestion

Green tea are such a classic detox drink or tea that is high on antioxidants and minerals and also provide weight loss benefits to the body. Present with good amounts of catechins that help improve metabolism and support cardiovascular function of our heart, green tea is rich in maintaining the digestive system of the body as well. Although people tend to dislike the bitter taste of a green tea, a number of variants with different flavour infusions are also available in the market to enhance the taste of a green tea. Few variants are Ginger green tea, Lemon and honey green tea, Chamomile green tea and Herbal green tea as well. 


This blog talks about what really is a detox drink, how helpful they are to cleanse our body naturally and are state the different types of green detox drinks that we can add to our daily fluid intake. 


Q. What is a green smoothie?
A- During summers having a drink that has some aspects of protein in them is a must as our body is able to digest more protein in the summers, that too in a better way. Green smoothie is one of those detox options that can be extremely tasty with a detox touch to it. Loaded with a bunch of ingredients, green smoothies are made from Greek yogurt that are known for their digestive protein content and also have a probiotic touch to it that help boost our metabolism. 
Dt. Kanika Bhatt

This website advocates solely for Nutritional guidelines, Healthy lifestyles and Proper Dietary habits. This Blog website is dedicated to those who find it difficult to stick to a meal plan and will guide you to have balanced meals with greater nutritive value. With Nutrition being an important aspect in today's time, people tend to neglect a lot when it comes to healthy and timely eating. Focusing more towards nutrition and finding alternatives to eating healthy, yet tasty meals is what we hope to do in this blog.

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