10 Weight loss tips: Losing weight in a better way.

Weight loss is not something that everyone desires to do, it's purely done to achieve a personal goal rather than to woe others or to look a certain way. For some people losing weight might completely be a personal choice but for some it could be a societal pressure. And so, no matter the reason the ultimate goal is always to lose weight but in the easiest and the healthiest way. 

Weight management tips

People often successfully plan a diet, engross themselves in regular exercise and workout and take supplements but still fail. The very problem people often face in their weight loss journey is the continuity of the entire plan. I'm sure a lot of you would relate to the fact that everything works well up until a certain level or for a while and soon after your cravings take a hold on you, and you go back to your original routine.

This often happens when you suddenly leave your unhealthy lifestyle and switch to a more healthier approach which gets boring within a few days. Now how can you tackle this problem? 

Plan more realistic goals for yourself and take tiny steps towards progress. hurrying things would only worsen the entire experience and demotivate you. 

Losing weight in a better way

Now, the first question here can be, What's the better way of losing weight? So, first and foremost the most important thing to keep in mind is that nothing happens overnight and good changes in life take time to happen. Weight loss is not something that happens within 2-3 days but rather demand dedication and will from you to achieve your goal.

Why skipping your meal is bad for you?

If you start planning your meals, keep in mind that your food should be tasty as much as it being healthy and nutritious which will become a complete game changer for. A diet packed with all food groups and nutrient dense foods are always warm, tasty and healthy for you. 

You should always plan a meal for yourself so that it engages you more in customizing your meals according to your requirement and with the kind of flavours you appreciate more. Also list down a bunch of requirements you expect from your food to offer, 

- Have positive impact on mood swings

- Replenish lost nutrition

- Is easy to prepare 

All these points would help you analyse what your diet plan lacks and would further encourage you to customize the meals accordingly. If you start following these criteria of a planned meal, then I bet you wouldn't get bored of your meals and savour it for a long time. These kinds of approaches help you switch between different types of produce that might taste different but provide same or even better nutritional quality. 

10 Weight loss tips that are easier to follow, 

weight loss tips

There are no set rules of what really works for everybody or what you should be following but rather these tips would give you an idea of what a weight loss journey should look like and what expectations can you have from a diet plan like this. Losing weight isn't easy but keeping in mind the following steps would make your weight loss journey a bit better and more fun to do. 

1. customize your diet: Having a custom diet made and planned exclusively for you is important. Sometimes we just search online and start following a random diet that looks good to us but that's not it. You should always plan your diet according to your requirements and needs from the meal and also keep changing it, so that you explore what works the best for you and what doesn't. 

Many people try finding shortcuts and easy to get methods, but the truth is, if you involve yourself completely in the process you would have more access to allow, change and update certain parameters of your diet and work towards achieving the goals faster. 

2. Have seasonal & Organic produce: Incorporating meals that are totally organic from a local farm and are exclusive to that season is so much better and budget friendly. We sometimes watch a recipe or follow a celebrity and try to eat what they eat, buying all those costly groceries. That does not work for a long run and seasonal produce is something that comes in handy. 

Having a meal made from seasonal produce provides so much more nutritional goodness, along with being easy to digest and protects our immune system. Additionally, it also helps our local farmers to earn what they deserve and produce high quality fruits and veggies. 

3. Early morning fluid intake: People get up wash their face and start working out or go for walk in the morning, which in fact is great but there's something missing. As we all know that the entire our body is not getting any water replenishment and is in need to rehydrate itself, which is why we should be drinking at least 1-2 glass of water in the morning. 

Some people may not be able to drink that much water at once so you could always have substitutes. The purpose here is to rehydrate our body that can be done in many ways, 
- Any kinds of tea
- Honey/lemon water
- homemade vegetable juices
- seed water 

4. Healthy munching: Often with dieting people tend to skip any kind of short meal or snacking to keep a track of their calories. But actually, snacking can add more nutrition to their diet and fulfil the remaining requirements of protein and healthy fats through these healthy munchies. 

Eating snacks or healthy snacks in between your meals would make you feel more fuller throughout the day and provide instant energy for you. Meanwhile it also minimises the changes of your overeating a meal or craving food any time. 
- Nuts and seeds
- soups and salads
- fruits and yogurt
- homemade energy bars
- sprouts 

5. Do not lessen your meals: Losing weight is a tough journey to be on that demands a lot of hard work from already, and cutting off your meals short and eating once or twice a day is not enough for your body and for your nutritional needs. The most important thing to remember here is that meals should be packed with healthy goodness and rich flavour, every bite you take should provide you a bunch of nutrients in it. 

And so, the only thing to be done here is to replace your unhealthy junk with something more healthier yet nutritious and lesser in quantity. 

6. Exercise daily: Your diet would work wonderfully only when you provide a way to metabolise it faster. Working out is not something that happens only when you hit a gym or hire a trainer. You could always exercise at home and take 30-45 minutes out from your busy schedule. Working out isn't that big of deal as people have made it.

I guess it's the gym that intimidates people but having a simple exercise routine like, yoga, walking, running, rope skipping, dancing and cycling can also lead to great transformations and can be so much fun to do. 

7. Eat timely: One major issue that a lot of you might face is the meal timing. Be it your busy schedule, outdoor work, laziness or studies, having your meals on time has always been the last priorities. This needs to change!

Eating your meals at the right time and following it religiously can make you achieve your goal so much faster. It not only helps your body adapt the new diet but also make it easier for your body to get more time to metabolise stuff and get rest. This would enhance your gut health, metabolism and ultimately result in weight loss. 

8. Nuts and Seeds are a must: Alot of people like me don't really enjoy eating nuts and seeds as they are, we can rather add them in our meals or could blend them in shakes. But having them as it is can be a little tough. 

Now, we do not acknowledge the fact that our healthy fat requirements are fulfilled from these nuts and seeds and especially vegetarians get half of their protein requirements from them. So, start soaking them overnight and eating them a handful every day. The daily intake of nuts and seeds can drastically change your body and hair health. 

9. You don't need coffee: People tend to rely on caffeinated beverages and coffee in general a lot. They say it provides instant energy and wakes you up which is true, but coffee is extremely addictive and not the best option for girls with PCOD and PCOS. 

Not only that coffee or any caffeinated drink can suppress your hormonal growth and digestive functions that is not that most relevant thing you want in exchange of instant energy. There are other healthy options to go with and anyway having a balanced diet and healthy snacking wouldn't let you feel the need to have a coffee. 

10. Have good quality sleep: People nowadays do not get good quality sleep, and it's starting to get worse with time and in Childrens as well. Whenever you focus on transforming your body in anyway, be it weight gain, weight loss or muscle buildup, providing adequate amounts of rest to the body is mandatory and that is getting lost in today's time. 

So, if you really wish to lose some weight and start a healthy lifestyle journey, make sure that your sleep doesn't get compromised and disturbed in any way. 

Down below is a sample Menu as to follow a balanced diet while still maintaining a 1500kcal diet. This table sets an example for the type of meal one should have without skipping any food groups and incorporating more fibre and protein into their daily meals.



























This blog gives a basic blueprint of what you may need to start your own weight loss journey, by giving few tips to follow along with a diet chart that is customizable according to your food preference. I hope it would be of some help to people who get confused with the amount of food to be eaten and servings.


Q. Can weight be done within a week? 
A- Yes, you can lose up to 1-1.3 kilogram of weight in a week using a healthier method and approach which wouldn't affect your body anyway and would also ensure there is no nutrition depletion while doing so. Losing weight shouldn't be done within a few days, rather it should be a slow and careful approach to begin with. 

Q. Is fasting helpful in weight loss?
A- Fasting does result in weight loss when done more often and frequently but is not the best way to lose weight. As you might know fasting can deplete various stored nutrients in the body and cause multiple nutrition deficiencies that could ruin your health for a long time. 

Dt. Kanika Bhatt

This website advocates solely for Nutritional guidelines, Healthy lifestyles and Proper Dietary habits. This Blog website is dedicated to those who find it difficult to stick to a meal plan and will guide you to have balanced meals with greater nutritive value. With Nutrition being an important aspect in today's time, people tend to neglect a lot when it comes to healthy and timely eating. Focusing more towards nutrition and finding alternatives to eating healthy, yet tasty meals is what we hope to do in this blog.

If there's any query, do let me know

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